discover your brand style

Why People Really Buy

As a woman in business, who wants to make an impact, it’s so important you know how people decide to buy. Once they’ve established a desire or a need for your service, THIS is the one thing that is sure to get them to say yes to working with you. Instant impact. I wanted to talk to you today a little bit about something that happened over the weekend, and I think you can …

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Why People Really Buy

As a woman in business, who wants to make an impact, it’s so important you know how people decide to buy. Once they’ve established a desire or a need for your service, THIS is the one thing that is sure to get them to say yes to working with you. Instant impact. I wanted to talk to you today a little bit about something that happened over the weekend, and I think you can …

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As a woman in business, who wants to make an impact, it’s so important you know how people decide to buy.

Once they’ve established a desire or a need for your service, THIS is the one thing that is sure to get them to say yes to working with you. Instant impact.

I wanted to talk to you today a little bit about something that happened over the weekend, and I think you can relate. I was cleaning the house on Saturday, kids running around still in their jammies, and the doorbell rang.

When I answered the door, it was a lovely high school girl from our neighborhood selling cookie dough. And I don’t really need the frozen cookie dough but, because I really love her and who she is, it made me think, “Hm, well maybe because it’s her, I will buy the cookie dough to support her.” It was a good cause, a local sports team. And so that felt good.

And I’m sure there have been times that perhaps one of the kids from your neighborhood have come over, knocked on the door selling Girl Scout cookies. And how many times have you said, “Yeah, I’ll buy a box of cookies because I can’t say no to that cute little face.”

Similarly in business, we are faced with decisions on purchases daily and in our daily lives. And when something goes wrong in your life, or you have a need for something, once that need is established or the desire is established, the first person you’re likely to purchase from is somebody you know, like, and trust.

That got me thinking a lot about branding and the personal branding work that we do here at Brand Therapy. And it is so important to keep in mind why you buy as it relates to why other people buy too. Simon Sinek famously says in his TED Talk that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Yes, that’s totally true.

But even more than that, especially in service-based businesses, people buy because of who you are. They have to have a connection with you to want to work with you. Especially in the healing and coaching industries, where it’s such a crowded space, and there are so many different options, it’s really important to find a common ground and have connection with your clients.

Once you’re connected with them and they feel like they’re seen and heard, they will buy from you. And it’s not about the purchase per se. It’s about changing their life, and you’re the person to do it. So, yes – establish yourself as the expert first. But on a deeper level, really connect with them and who they are. Let them get to know YOU.

That’s what personal branding is all about. It’s showing the essence of who you are in your brand, and that connection makes saying yes to working with you so much easier for ideal clients. No cookies required. ;)

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