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Can you feel it? The air is a little lighter, here in New England the birds are chirping a bit peppier, and the ominous, stark energy of the winter is lifting.  These are all reassuring signs that the renewal of Spring is just about here!   And though the promise of a brighter today is upon us, I can’t help but notice the anxious and chaotic energy overwhelming so many of us lately. Over the …

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Can you feel it? The air is a little lighter, here in New England the birds are chirping a bit peppier, and the ominous, stark energy of the winter is lifting.  These are all reassuring signs that the renewal of Spring is just about here!   And though the promise of a brighter today is upon us, I can’t help but notice the anxious and chaotic energy overwhelming so many of us lately. Over the …

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Can you feel it? The air is a little lighter, here in New England the birds are chirping a bit peppier, and the ominous, stark energy of the winter is lifting.  These are all reassuring signs that the renewal of Spring is just about here!  

And though the promise of a brighter today is upon us, I can’t help but notice the anxious and chaotic energy overwhelming so many of us lately. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve witnessed my own uncertainty along with that of so many of my friends and colleagues.  

Situations like lack of clarity on an important decision, loss of a relationship, financial hardship, business not going well, uncertainty on the next step. Questions like, “Am I good enough?”, “Should I just give up and work for someone else?”, “When will I ever get ahead?”, “Should I just move on?”, “Why is this so hard?” We all seem to be experiencing our own challenge or worry at the moment. We’re all experiencing one of life’s ‘dips’, as Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley refers to it.   

In his book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen talks about the ups and downs in life as being predictable: “What if we accepted that things will go wrong – but that this is simply part of life’s beautiful unfolding and that even the biggest failures can have within them the seeds of growth and possibility?”  

It’s true. Most success stories contain low points where it seemed everything was crumbling and about to fall apart. These points are going to happen. It’s inevitable. It’s part of life, part of our journey. Unfortunately, the core feeling that most often takes over during these times is fear  

I’ve learned a few different things about fear that I thought might be helpful to share (even if they are just a reminder for you).   

  • Fear can only have power over you if you allow it.
  • Stepping past fear can be as easy as taking the first step.
  • Fear will pop up any time you are challenging yourself to reach new heights, or stepping out of your comfort zone. Your subconscious mind really wants you to stay right where you are – safe and sound. Recognize that fear is a mechanism to keep you from growing or changing.
  • And, because fear most often accompanies those ‘dips’ in life, it is predictable.

So, if we know fear is bound to pop up during these times, perhaps we can shift our focus toward something else. Look for the beauty in the situation 

Vishen shares, “Every crappy experience I’ve had – from having my heart broken, to almost having to leave my own company due to a conflict with a business partner, to depression and staring down gaping dark holes of the mind – led to some small-but-significant insight or awakening that boosted the quality of my life and made me stronger. I now welcome these dips with an inner delight: Wow, this sucks! I can’t wait to see what I’m going to learn here!”  

I share this with you today, because just like in life, your business will experience ‘dips’, too. And I really don’t want fear to get the best of you during these times! A mentor of mine so lovingly reminds us that during times of uncertainty or doubt, “pray and move your feet.” Know that this period of time is merely a blip in your life. Whether you’re experiencing fear in your life or business, lean on your support network of friends, colleagues, mentors, and God (or your guides, universe, goddess), and know that this, too, shall pass.   

You are amazing. Have faith. Move forward anyway, despite the fear. And look for the beauty within the ‘dip’.  


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