Putting ourselves into the box that is our business feels limiting and dissonant. At the same time, asking our businesses to be a representation of every piece of us is unrealistic. We think changing our offerings and message to encompass our latest philosophy will be the thing that finally helps us achieve the success we long for. Or that niching down our own self-expression to only focus on things related to our work will strengthen our presence. But either situation leaves us feeling confused and unsure of how to talk about what it is we do, and the role we play. The truth is that our business is only ONE piece of us.
There is a place where your business brand ends and your personal brand begins, and learning how to separate the two while staying true to yourself and your clients is one of the most impactful and freeing things you can do as an entrepreneur. Our Brand Coaching Programs are designed to help you do just that with clarity, confidence and worth.